FurcoNZ Hotel 2024: Convention Report!
December 10th, 2024 — by Kap
It’s been a few weeks since New Zealand’s first hotel furry convention wrapped up, and I’m here with a post-event report. This isn’t going to be anything close to a full overview of everything that happened over the weekend - if I did this article would be a few thousand words long!
First off, I highly recommend you check out the amazing video Steferd put together for the event. I think it does a great job of capturing the weekend. So stop reading, and enjoy.
From the start of the event, the open common spaces of the Holiday Inn were bustling from the morning until late in the night. For most of the weekend, the weather was clear and warm, with a few short bursts of rain. There were usually a few groups of people sitting outside around the pool (or taking a dip!). There was a constant flow of people heading to and from panels and the hotel bar to get food and drinks.
Including day passes, there were 380 attendees in total – easily smashing the previous record of 181 for a New Zealand event set by FurcoNZ Camp 2022.
The Dealer’s Den was busy throughout the event, with FurcoNZ merch also on offer. There were several international dealers with one (Gaius) even making the journey from Canada! On offer were socks, collars and tags, dice (a lot of dice), fursuits, commissions, art prints, props and accessories, stickers, and quite frankly a lot of other things that would be far too much to list.
A list of dealers has been included below for anyone looking to grab any goods that they missed out on at con.

Every evening had a full schedule of dances DJed by local and overseas talent, including one night with live music performances.

The dances were all streamed online on Twitch and to the FurcoNZ custom world in VRChat. There was also a two-way portal set up, so those in VR could chat with and see attendees at the event.

The fursuit parade was held on Sunday evening, and the weather was perfect, with a breeze and blue skies. The short parade ran though the hotel corridors…

…and ended with a gathering outside for a group photo. There was (by a big margin) the largest group of fursuits I have ever seen in one place in New Zealand. In total, we counted 109 fursuits.

There were so many other events and panels over the weekend that I wasn’t able to find time to attend (or couldn’t find photos of to share). FurcoNZ Hotel this year was an amazing event and I’ll definitely be back next time!